Obituary of Robert Irvine McLaren
It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of Robert Irvine McLaren. Robert was born on the kitchen table in St.Lambert, Quebec July 10th 1940 and died in Regina, Saskatchewan , May 1st, 2017. As the third of six brothers born to John and Elizabeth McLaren, Robert's childhood was filled with sporting endeavours and many adventures. After graduating from Montreal High School his academic career took him to Mt. Allison University, Cornell and the University of Pittsburgh. It was in Ghana in 1962 that as a young Canadian CUSO worker, Robert met a young American Peace Corp volunteer who turned out to be his best friend and the love of his life, Susan. They were married in 1964 and were to be together for 52 years. Robert spent his teaching career as a Professor in the School of Administration at the University of Regina before retiring to spend many years travelling the world with Susan. Robert was adored by his four children; Sandra (Jim), Ian (Laurie), Tim (Sarah) and Doris (Ernie), his seven grandchildren Nathan (deceased), Nolan, Dakota, Lachlan, Andrew, Katherine and Anneka and his one great-grandchild Chaston. A celebration of Robert's life will be held Thursday, May 4th at 2:00 pm at Knox Metropolitan United Church. Donations and gifts can be made to Parkinson's Canada Saskatchewan -