Grief Resources

As part of our After-Care program, I am pleased to provide online resources for grieving families. After much research, I have chosen to share with you the excellent resources on several grief topics, written by Sherry Williams-White of New Leaf Grief Resources.

We hope that these resources can help guide you through your grief journey. For more information, or for additional grief support, please feel free to contact us anytime. At Speers, we are committed to the families we serve and would be honoured to do whatever we can to help.

Respectfully yours,

- Krista Christensen, Speers After-Care Specialist

       Death of a Family Member

The death of a family member is a very difficult time in anyone's life.  These articles will help you understand the grief you are feeling when someone in your family has died, and how you can honour the life of your departed family member.

        Death of a Child

The death of a child can be particularly traumatic for anyone involved; things seem out of order when a child dies, and you are often left wondering why?  These articles help you examine the grief you are feeling, and how you can cope with the overwhelming emotions associated with losing a child.

       Helping Those Who Are Grieving Cope

When you know someone who is dealing with a death of a loved one, you want to do whatever you can to help, but often don’t know what to say or how to say it.  These articles give you tips and suggestions to help someone cope with their grief.

       Comprehending Your Grief

Grief is an physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological reaction to death.  You have so many emotions and feelings that you don’t know where to begin.  These articles take an in-depth look at all the different feelings you have when you are dealing with the death of a loved one.

       Unexpected Tragedies

Death is something that can occur at any place and at any time.  When a death is sudden, it will be a total shock to your system.  These articles take a look at the grief involved with a sudden death, and gives you ways to help cope with the loss.

       Pet Loss

Pets are beloved members of your family, and have always provided you with unconditional love.  Few people recognize the pain and grief you feel when you lose a pet are just as real as the pain and grief you feel when a human dies.  This article outlines ways you can honour and remember the life of your furry friend.