Thursday, January 13, 2022
I first met Margaret & Steve as a teenager when they visited us in Vancouver. My mother always spoke very fondly of them. After my mother passed and Joanne and I retired back to Canada, I rekindled our family friendship with Margaret. In 2019 the Hookham cousins celebrated Margaret's 89th birthday with a tea at her Regina Care Home. Margaret was a most gracious lady, articulate and kind! She was a very generous and thoughtful person. I am honored she entrusted me with the Hallam family bible. While we missed visiting her again on her 90th birthday because of covid, we were fortunate to have a brief visit with her in Regina this past September. A big thank you to Pastor Sauer for looking after Margaret so well all these years! We will remember her fondly. The picture is of Margaret and Steve, date unknown.
Joanne & Reg Kimmins