Tribute Wall
4:00 pm
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Speers Centennial Room
2136 College Ave
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Allen & Darlene Ermel posted a condolence
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Dear Presley's family,
Words always seem too inadequate when we talk about the loss of a child but please accept our deepest sympathy on your terrible loss. May Presley live in your hearts forever.
Allen & Darlene Ermel
Stacey Dalrymple uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, January 26, 2023


Sweet girl, you will be missed by all the lives you have touched. Thank you for being such a great friend to my son, Griffin.
Richard Schumann posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Although I never got to know you as a grown young lady, you have touched so many lives in such a positive way. I know your father and uncle Reg, both who miss you dearly. I want to express my sincere heartfelt condolences to the rest of Presley's family and friends. Prayers and hugs sent... May you Rest in Peace
Michelle Stewart uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 22, 2023




Presley and my daughter, Brody, were best friends for 6 years while attending Dr Hanna. They were inseparable. We always loved having Presley over. These girls had so many sleepless nights giggling, playing video games and watching movies. We have so many amazing memories of this beautiful girl. We will deeply miss you and will always and forever be in our hearts. We love you, Presley
Uncle Reg uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, January 21, 2023

An Uncle’s Eulogy for Presley Clara Rose Wilchuck (2009-2023)
As the saying goes, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life”.
But now, it is the rest of our lives without Presley.
And that is hard to reconcile.
Presley was loved beyond measure by her Dad Rod, her Mom Rheanne, her brothers Preston and Logan, her grandparents, all of whom except for 1, are now in heaven with her.
Presley was deeply loved by all her aunts and uncles, her cousins, all of her many friends and schoolmates, and by her Regina Victorias Teammates… and by me, her uncle Reg.
Presley grew up loving music in the shadow of her Dad. Who still hasn't grown up. He still thinks he’s Elvis.
Which yes, is the origin of Presley’s beautiful name.
Presley loved and cherished her Mom and Dad and loved the time she spent with each of them. She loved hanging out with her brothers and keeping them in line. And she loved her cats Magoo and Miss Kitty.
Presley was always the brightest light in the room, and she loved football. Perhaps even more than her Dad loved football, if that’s possible.
The highlight of Presley’s life came this past October as team member #21 of the Regina Victoria’s Football Club. From being the underdogs, they defeated every team through the playoffs, and then won the PGFL Provincial Championship in Yorkton. It was a season meant for a movie script. Then to top it off, Presley received the MIP Award, and as the Championship team they were invited to be part of the pre-game presentation at the 2022 Grey Cup. Presley and her teammates appeared on national TV for the whole world to see.
Presley had aspirations of playing football through high school and maybe later a career in football...
But in God’s infinite wisdom it was her final season. In her short 13 year life God has decided that Presley’s beautiful soul is already perfect enough for his team in heaven.
So on behalf of all who love you so much, I bid you “Goodbye Presley”. Have a Great Game… you were the light of our lives and we will miss you. God knows how much we will miss you, and so to help heal our hurting hearts, every morning for the rest of our lives we shall look for you in the sunlight.
Lily Brown planted a tree in memory of Presley Wilchuck
Friday, January 20, 2023

Heartfelt condolences to Rod and all family and friends of Presley. She was a kind and loving person and will be greatly missed by all. Love & Hugs
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Brian/Beverly Erhardt lit a candle
Thursday, January 19, 2023

The family of Presley Clara Rose Wilchuck uploaded a photo
Thursday, January 19, 2023

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