Sam So Cheung

Obituary of Sam So Cheung

張三嫂女士生於香港1929年3月9日,終於2016年4月9日。並於1949年結婚,育有七個女兒及一個兒子,現有六個女兒及一個兒子和三個男孫,三個女孫,一個曾孫在身邊。在1984年與丈夫兒子移民於加拿大雷城。三嫂一生在香港隨丈夫從事船務工作。自幼依從家族傳統拜偶像。移民後,丈夫及兒女在不同時段信主歸信耶穌基督,她在1989年12月23日受浸於雷城華人宣道會。受浸後,她非常渴慕追求主,雖然目不識丁,每一天都聆聽著新舊約聖經錄音帶。每主日都帶著喜樂殷切的心,回到主的聖殿中,聆聽主的話語。尤其熱愛樂齡之家的聚會,及參予成年團的相交。 從2012年至2016年期間,她共有四次中風,神大能的恩典和醫治,讓她三次的中風裡能得到康復。第四次的中風剛巧在她87歲生日的晚上,住在General Hospital共25日之久。住院期間,雖然受到針藥和治療的痛楚,口中仍不住說「奇異恩典,感謝神,不住禱告,常常喜樂」等激勵的說話。在4月9日零晨2時,她帶著平安,詳和的慈容回到天父的懷抱裡,永享天國的福樂。 Cheung Sam So was born in Hong Kong on March 9th 1929 and went home to be with her Lord on April 9th 2016. She was married in 1949. Sam So had seven daughters, one son, six grandchildren (three boys and three girls) and one great-grandchild. In 1984 she, her husband and son immigrated to Regina, Canada. Before she immigrated, she worked with her husband in the boating business for 30 years in Hong Kong. She followed her family’s custom of worshiping different types of idols. Throughout the years after immigration, her family and children accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour! In December 23, 1989 she got baptised at Regina Chinese Alliance Church. After her immigration, she was eager to learn the Lord’s word even though she didn’t know how to read and write Chinese! She listened to the Chinese Bible recording tapes daily. Her heart was full of joy and she loved to go to church every Sunday! She also loved to attend the Evergreen and Adult fellowships. From 2012 to 2016, she had four strokes. By the grace of God’s healing, she recovered three times from her strokes. Her fourth stroke happened on the night of her 87th birthday. She stayed at the General Hospital 25 days. Even though she was suffering a lot during that time and endured pain from her medical treatments, she was always saying “amazing grace, praise the Lord, always be joyful and never stop praying.” On April 9th at two in the morning, looking peaceful and calm, Sam So went to be with her Lord.

Funeral Service

10:30 am
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Regina Chinese Alliance Church
3010 Arens Road East
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
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Sam So