Obituary of James Jr. Kahnapace-Fox
It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of our precious baby boy James Jr. Kahnapace-Fox. During his six months here, he touched many lives and was loved deeply by family and friends. James is predeceased by his great grandparents Gerald & Doreen Fox, grandparents Gerald (Diddy) & Cornelius (Southwind) Fox, and Aunt Jerri Fox. James is survived by his parents Crystal D. Fox and Sunray Kahnapace. He was loved, cared for and looked after by his aunt Lesley Asham (Scott Pelletier). He is lovingly remembered by aunts and uncles N’Tanis, Nathan, Herb, Angus, Ambrose and Chase Fox; Edward and Penny Southwind; as well as many family members too numerous to mention on the Southwind, Kahnapace, Fox and Kaiswatum sides. The funeral will be held on Piapot First Nation Band Hall on Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. with feast to follow. Elders to officiate. Interment at Fox-Kaiswatum Cemetery.